Luain Press has a busy year ahead. We have at least three books that we're planning on releasing this year; if you'd like to find out more, keep reading...
We're very excited for our first ever anthology. LUAINA is a collection of ten of Ireland's best spoken word artists and poets. Each poet shares five poems or spoken word pieces; the collection also features an introduction by spoken word performer and Electric Picnic's Word Tent curator, David Hynes. Other contributors include Christina Hennemann, Daragh Fleming, Ryan Duggins, Leon Dunne, Anna D., Mikey Cullen, Annie Peter, Jessie Flood, and our very own Lee Sheridan. LUAINA is due to be released in April 2025, date TBC.

We recently announced the winner of the Luain Press 2024 Poetry Pamphlet Competition. James Anthony won the competition with his collection Truth & Other Dramas. Anthony is a Galway-based poet. His work has been published in Skylight 47, Local Wonders (Dedalus Press), New Isles Press Vol. 2, Voxgalvia (Galway Advertiser), Drawn to the Light Issue 13, 'Fur, Feather, Pen' amongst others. His poems were shortlisted for the Over the Edge New Writer of the Year 2017, Red Line Book Festival (2017, 2019, 2020), and highly commended in the Jonathan Swift Creative Writing Awards (2017, 2023). His debut collection will be released in the summer of this year, date TBC. Of the collection, the poet and mental health activist Daragh Fleming had this to say:
"Deeply observant, James writes, in detail, of moments we all have but rarely see. This pamphlet feels like a testament to the quiet of life, the parts that are so easily taken for granted."

Last but not least is Andy Porter, who came 2nd in the Luain Press Poetry Pamphlet Competition. Porter's collection, Neighbour's Got a New Hot Tub, will be released at the end of the summer in 2025. Porter's work has featured on The Poetry's Dead Podcast; he was described by former spoken word champion, Leon Dunne, as "a bloody great poet".
By becoming a Luainatic member, you can avail of our book scheme, which means that every time we release a new title, we'll send it to you automatically. Not bad for €3 per month. Other perks include getting exclusive emails and becoming close friends on Instagram; you'll also earn a producer credit on our YouTube videos. Join today and be guaranteed to receive three books this year!